By-the-Hour Pet Sitting
By-the-Hour Pet Sitting
By-The-Hour pet sitting is..well… like a babysitter for pets.
And like good babysitters, good pet sitters don’t just sit in a chair scrolling on their phone while “watching” your fur babies. A Paws Pet Care pet sitter will interact with, exercise, feed and water them. We customize a plan to meet all your expectations. We’ve got your tail covered when you need a fur-kid sitter!
Pets: All domestic animals
Limitations: This service is available only between 5-9 p.m.
Service Description:
- Pets are fed as directed
- Potty breaks are given as needed
- Pets are watched, brushed, played with, walked (whatever care the client specifies that the fur-kid is used to receiving in their normal schedule or routine)
- Fresh water is given each visit
- Pick up yard-waste (dogs)/clean litter box (cats)
- Tidy up pet toys, clean up accidents
- Picture and updates at least once a day via text to client (if requested)
- A visit completion notification will be sent via email

The best care for your best friend
You can relax knowing your pets are loved and safe in the comfort of their own home.
Call today to find the perfect sitter for you and your furry friend!