At Paws Pet Care we hope that you will be extra vigilant on this 4th of July holiday with your pets. We recommend 4th-of-july-dog-400x464keeping your fur-kids inside as much as possible during Fourth of July festivities because the holiday is full of potential pet-astrophes.

“Even the most timid dog can leap a six-foot fence if he’s spooked by loud noises,” says Dr. Pamela Reid, Vice President of the ASPCA’s Anti-Cruelty Behavior Team. If your dog shows signs of distress from fireworks or boisterous revelers, Dr. Reid suggests giving him a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter. “The persistent licking should calm his nerves,” she says.  And what’s better than a Kong toy filled with peanut butter?  A Kong toy with peanut butter thats been in the FREEZER for several hours.  Believe me….they LOVE it and it will keep them busy and distracted during all the festivities.

Here are some additional tips to keep your pet safe:

• Alcohol is potentially poisonous to pets, place all wine, beer and spirits well out of paws’ way.

• Stick with your fur-kid’s normal diet. “Treats” that their system isn’t use to can cause digestive distress. Foods like onions, avocado, chocolate, grapes and raisins are toxic to pets. 

• Do not put human insect repellent on your fur-kid.  It can poison their system resulting in drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and lethargy.

• Keep your pet away from fireworks, matches, citronella candles and lighter fluid.

• Don’t leave pets unsupervised around a pool or lake—not all dogs are expert swimmers! Also, pools aren’t large water bowls—they contain chlorine and other toxic chemicals that can cause stomach problems.  


By Beth Green,
Chief Cuddle Officer at Paws Pet Care Petsitting and Dog Walking.