I don’t know about you, but Super Sunday for my family usually entails several hours of our family and friends logged jumping up and down on the couch, shouting at the television, and eating tons of junk food, all while our fur-kids look on in amazement, confusion or maybe even fear. Check out these tips from Tails Magazine to help your pet cope with the craziness in your home on game day:
TIP #1: Get your pet out of the house during half time by taking them for a quick walk around the block or take him/her out back and throw the ball or a toy with them for a few minutes. If you can’t stand to miss the half-time festivities, call Paws Pet Care Pet Sitting & Dog Walking to come over and get your fur-kid out of the house for a walk while you watch the half time show!
TIP #2: Fans will consume some 11 million pounds of chips and 450 million chicken wings on game day, which makes this America’s
second biggest food consuming day of the year behind Thanksgiving. Remind your guests that you DO NOT feed your fur-kid table food so they aren’t tempted to sneak forbidden treats. We all know that people food can be harmful to our fur[kids, particularly chicken wings, which pets can choke on. Do your fur-kids a favor and put out a little bowl of PET treats so they can share in the big game spread without the risk of getting sick.
TIP #3: When the action gets intense and you’re on the edge of your seat, take a “time-out” to pet your fur-kid. Giving your fur-kid some love strengthens the human-animal bond, provides for a pet’s emotional health needs, and studies show it has even greater benefits for people. The hormone oxytocin kicks into high gear when petting your fur-kid, helping to reduce blood pressure and decrease cortisol, a hormone related to stress and anxiety. And if your team is on the losing end, therapists have been prescribing pets for years as a way to deal with depression. 🙂
TIP #4: Create a quiet place for your fur-kid. Loud party voices and booming music can make your fur-kids anxious. Even well-socialized animals are likely to be pushed beyond their limits. To take care of pet’s mental health, make sure pets have a restful room or area to which they can retreat. And if you’re getting particularly worked up, it may be good for you to have a timeout from the game too!
For more information on our award winning pet sitting and dog walking services, give us a call at 502-802-5052.
By – Beth Green, Owner & Pack Leader
Paws Pet Care Pet Sitting & Dog Walking
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