I stopped by Vines & Canines on Frankfort Avenue between taking care of fur-kids the other day in hopes of procuring a good bottle
Owner, Marc DeMichelle
wine to take over to a friend’s house AND I’ll admit….I was really curious about the inspiration behind the shop and connection between wine and….well…of all things, dogs. I have to tell you…..I was pleasantly surprised; and as a lover of all things pet-related, a wine lover too and a HUGE fan of shopping local – I am AMAZED I hadn’t checked this place out before.
As soon as I walked in I realized I wasn’t in your typical wine-shop/liquor store. The owner/operator, Marc DeMichele welcomed me warmly at the door and has done an absolutely fabulous job of creating a feeling of warmth, comfort and welcome with the decor and ambiance in the shop for patrons both with fur and without (yes….your dogs are WELCOME in his wine-shop). There was cozy, adequate seating for those people-patrons who were there to sit, sip and chat about the wine. For the fur-patrons, front and center were a stack of buttery-soft bison leather dog-beds for sale from Tasman’s Natural Pet Company....along with a whole wall dedicated to the same bison leather leashes and other doggy necessities. Dog toys were piled neatly in the
So many wines to choose from!corner next to water/food bowls that were nestled in cleverly and beautifully re-purposed wine-crates.
The shelves on the walls that hold the wine bottles are all hand made from salvaged wood from local old barns. Additional shelves in the middle of the store were also hand-made using local, re-purposed wood and held products from other locally
owned and operated stores like Little Eatz, J.P. Pet Shampoo and Black Dog Candles. A large selection of mugs and glassware were stacked neatly there as well. Paintings of a variety of fur-kids by local artists decorate the walls, stunning pet-inspired jewelry from Amanda Hofmann Designs sits elegantly on a shelf and best of all….. there is a large, hand-made portable bar used for wine tastings in the middle of the store that was crafted from beautiful, aged wood purchased from the century-old building on Market when it was being gutted for construction of the restaurant “Rye on Market”.
Vines and Canines definitely isn’t your ordinary wine-shop. For the “Canine” part, Marc encourages you to bring your fur-kid with you
Comfy buffalo leather bedding for your fur-kidwhile you taste some absolutely fabulous wines. I ask Marc the obvious question: what in the world inspired him to bring together his love of wine and his fur-kid together to create such an awesome business concept? His answer was simple. The idea for the shop grew out of simple evening of “pulling corks” with a friend of his and their dogs…and the realization that the experience was enriched by their fur-kids. Marc found there to be only two necessities in life: a good dog, and a great bottle of wine. Vines and Canines truly does celebrate both.
During my time with Marc at the shop, I could see clearly that has a deep love for his dogs, a passion for fine wine and a great desire to unite everyone who shares these passions. Marc not only wants to provide a unique line of products for lovers of dogs and wine, but also create events where people with similar interests could meet and celebrate this affinity we all share…a good glass of wine and our fur-kids. He also supports local rescue efforts by hosting an adoptable dog each week in his shop.
You are truly missing out on an awesome experience if you don’t visit Vines and Canines. Marc and his staff regularly offer tastings of
Vines & Canines has many items that are made by local artists for sale in the shoptheir latest wine selections, so come on over and share a glass with them. Their wide variety of wines (many of which you will not find anywhere else in Louisville) will satisfy every wine-lovers palate, and don’t forget to bring your furry pal along with you. It should be noted that Vines and Canines is not a wine bar, but a wine shop. Tastings are offered daily, but wine isn’t sold by the glass. Private wine-tastings are available as well. If you do stroll in, please tell Marc and his staff that Paws Pet Care Pet Sitting & Dog Walking sent you. 🙂
Vines and Canines is located at 1760 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky, 40206. Store hours are:
Tuesday–Thursday: Noon–9:00p.m.Friday & Saturday: Noon–10:00p.m.
– By Beth Green
Owner of Paws Pet Care Pet Sitting & Dog Walking
Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Award-Winning Pet Care
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