Christmas Plants That Are Toxic To Your Pet

Did you know that many of the plants that are popular around this time of the year can be extremely harmful to your pets?  Here is a rundown (with pictures)  of some dangerous seasonal plants:   American Holly American Holly contains potentially toxic compounds...

How Long Can I Safely Leave My Cat Alone?

In my line of work, we pet sitters insist on seeing your kitty at the VERY LEAST every other day and we prefer every single day for a number of reasons….the LEAST of which is money in our pockets. Here’s a few: Cats like clean, fresh water. How would you...

How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Chasing My Cat?

For centuries dogs and cats have been painted as sworn enemies. Some of us who have both dogs and cats that live together in harmony know that this is not always true, but as with every myth, misconception and urban legend, there is a kernel of truth to this ages old...

Christmas Plants That Are Toxic To Your Pet

Did you know that many of the plants that are popular around this time of the year can be extremely harmful to your pets?  Here is a rundown (with pictures)  of some dangerous seasonal plants:     American Holly American Holly contains potentially toxic...